Internal DSL

An internal domain-specific language for probability expressions.




The probability of A occurring


The probability of A not occurring

\(P(A, B)\)

The joint probability of A and B occurring

\(P(A \mid B)\)

The conditional probability of A given B occurring

\(P(A \mid B^*)\)

The conditional probability of A occurring given B not occurring

\(P(A^* \mid B)\)

The conditional probability of A not occurring given B occurring

\(P(A^* \mid B^*)\)

The conditional probability of A not occurring given B not occurring

\(\sum_A P(A, B)\)

The marginal probability of B

Level 3 of Pearl’s Causal Hierarchy.



\(P(Y_X \mid X^*, Y^*)\)

Probability of sufficient causation

\(P(Y^*_{X^*} \mid X, Y)\)

Probability of necessary causation

\(P(Y_X, Y^*_{X^*})\)

Probability of necessary and sufficient causation

class Element[source]

An element in the y0 internal domain-speific language that can be converted to text, LaTeX, and code.

abstract to_text() str[source]

Output this DSL object in the internal string format.

abstract to_latex() str[source]

Output this DSL object in the LaTeX string format.

abstract to_y0() str[source]

Output this DSL object as y0 python code.

get_variables() Set[Variable][source]

Get the set of variables used in this expression.

class Variable(name: str, star: bool | None = None)[source]

A variable, typically with a single letter.

name: str

The name of the variable

star: bool | None = None

The star status of the variable. None means it’s a variable, False means it’s the same as the value for the variable, and True means it’s a different value from the variable.

classmethod norm(name: str | Variable) Variable[source]

Automatically upgrade a string to a variable.

get_base() Variable[source]

Return the base variable, with no other nonsense.

to_text() str[source]

Output this variable in the internal string format.

to_sympy() sympy.Symbol[source]

Get the object for sympy.

to_latex() str[source]

Output this variable in the LaTeX string format.


The LaTeX representaton of this variable.

>>> Variable('X').to_latex()
>>> Variable('X1').to_latex()
>>> Variable('X12').to_latex()
to_y0() str[source]

Output this variable instance as y0 internal DSL code.

intervene(variables: str | Variable | Iterable[str | Variable]) CounterfactualVariable[source]

Intervene on this variable with the given variable(s).


variables – The variable(s) used to extend this variable as it is changed to a counterfactual variable


A new counterfactual variable over this variable with the given intervention(s).


This function can be accessed with the matmult @ operator.

given(parents: str | Variable | Iterable[str | Variable] | Distribution) Distribution[source]

Create a distribution in which this variable is conditioned on the given variable(s).

The new distribution is a Markov Kernel.


parents – A variable or list of variables to include as conditions in the new conditional distribution


A new conditional probability distribution


TypeError – If a distribution is given as the parents that contains conditionals


This function can be accessed with the or | operator.

joint(children: str | Variable | Iterable[str | Variable]) Distribution[source]

Create a joint distribution between this variable and the given variable(s).


children – The variable(s) for use with this variable in a joint distribution


A new joint distribution over this variable and the given variables.


This function can be accessed with the and & operator.

invert() Variable[source]

Create an Intervention variable that is different from what was observed (with a star).

class Intervention(name: str, star: bool | None = None)[source]

An intervention variable.

An intervention variable is usually used as a subscript in a CounterfactualVariable.

to_text() str[source]

Output this intervention variable in the internal string format.

to_latex() str[source]

Output this intervention variable in the LaTeX string format.

to_y0() str[source]

Output this intervention instance as y0 internal DSL code.

class CounterfactualVariable(name: str, star: bool | None = None, interventions: frozenset[~y0.dsl.Intervention] = <factory>)[source]

A counterfactual variable.

Counterfactual variables are like normal variables, but can have a list of interventions. Each intervention is either the same as what was observed (no star) or different from what was observed (star).

interventions: frozenset[Intervention]

The interventions on the variable. Should be non-empty

to_text() str[source]

Output this counterfactual variable in the internal string format.

to_latex() str[source]

Output this counterfactual variable in the LaTeX string format.


A latex representation of this counterfactual variable

>>> (Variable('X') @ Variable('Y')).to_latex()
>>> (Variable('X1') @ Variable('Y')).to_latex()
>>> (Variable('X12') @ Variable('Y')).to_latex()
to_y0() str[source]

Output this counterfactual variable instance as y0 internal DSL code.

is_event() bool[source]

Return if the counterfactual variable has a value.

has_tautology() bool[source]

Return if the counterfactual variable contain its own value in the subscript.


True if we force a variable X to have a value x and the resulting value of X is x.


ValueError – if the counterfactual value doesn’t have a value assigned

is_inconsistent() bool[source]

Return if the counterfactual variable violates the Axiom of Effectiveness.


True if we force a variable X to have a value x and the resulting value of X is not x


ValueError – if the counterfactual value doesn’t have a value assigned

intervene(variables: str | Variable | Iterable[str | Variable]) CounterfactualVariable[source]

Intervene on this counterfactual variable with the given variable(s).


variables – The variable(s) used to extend this counterfactual variable’s current interventions. Automatically converts variables to interventions.


A new counterfactual variable with both this counterfactual variable’s interventions and the given intervention(s).


Will raise a value error ff the value of a new intervention conflicts with the value of intervention already listed in this counterfactual.


This function can be accessed with the matmult @ operator.

invert() CounterfactualVariable[source]

Invert the value of the counterfactual variable.

class Distribution(children: ~typing.Tuple[~y0.dsl.Variable, ...], parents: ~typing.Tuple[~y0.dsl.Variable, ...] = <factory>)[source]

A general distribution over several child variables, conditioned by several parents.

P(X | Y) means that X is a child and Y is a parent.

classmethod safe(distribution: str | Variable | Iterable[str | Variable] | Distribution, *args: str | Variable | Distribution) Distribution[source]

Create a distribution the given variable(s) or distribution.

  • distribution – If given a Distribution, creates a probability expression directly over the distribution. If given variable or list of variables, conveniently creates a Distribution with the variable(s) as children.

  • args – If the first argument (distribution) was given as a single variable, the args variadic argument can be used to specify a list of additional variables.


A Distribution object


ValueError – If invalid combination of arguments are given.

to_text() str[source]

Output this distribution in the internal string format.

to_y0() str[source]

Output this distribution instance as y0 internal DSL code.

to_latex() str[source]

Output this distribution in the LaTeX string format.

is_conditioned() bool[source]

Return if this distribution is conditioned.

is_markov_kernel() bool[source]

Return if this distribution a markov kernel -> one child variable and one or more conditionals.

intervene(variables: str | Variable | Iterable[str | Variable]) Distribution[source]

Return a new distribution that has the given intervention(s) on all variables.

uncondition() Distribution[source]

Return a new distribution that is not conditioned on the parents.

joint(children: str | Variable | Iterable[str | Variable]) Distribution[source]

Create a new distribution including the given child variables.


children – The variable(s) with which this distribution’s children are extended


A new distribution.


This function can be accessed with the and & operator.

given(parents: str | Variable | Iterable[str | Variable] | Distribution) Distribution[source]

Create a new mixed distribution additionally conditioned on the given parent variables.


parents – The variable(s) with which this distribution’s parents are extended


A new distribution


TypeError – If a distribution is given as the parents that contains conditionals


This function can be accessed with the or | operator.


A conjunction of factual and counterfactual events

alias of Dict[Variable, Intervention]

P = <y0.dsl.ProbabilityBuilderType object>

P is a magical object of mystery and wonder that can be used to create Probability instances.

It itself is a singleton instance of ProbabilityBuilderType and can be used wither via the ProbabilityBuilderType.__call__(), as if it were a function like P(Y) or it can be used as a combination with the ProbabilityBuilderType.__getitem__() and a call, like P[X](Y) to denote interventions using the do-Calculus \(L_2\) notation. Here are some examples:

A univariate distribution can be created either with a string or a Variable:

>>> from y0.dsl import P, A
>>> P('A') == P(A)

Multivariate Distributions

A joint distribution can be created with several strings or Variable instances with variadic arguments:

>>> from y0.dsl import P, A, B
>>> P(A, B) == P('A', 'B')

A joint distribution can also be created with a single argument that is either an iterable of either strings or Variable instances

>>> from y0.dsl import P, A, B
>>> P((A, B)) == P([A, B]) == P(('A', 'B')) == P(['A', 'B'])

This even extends to fancy generators, for which you can omit the parentheses:

Creation with a fancy generator of variables:

>>> from y0.dsl import P, A, B
>>> P(Variable(name) for name in 'AB') == P(name for name in 'AB') == P(A, B)

Conditional Distributions

Creation with a conditional distribution:

>>> from y0.dsl import P, A, B
>>> P(A | B)

Creation with a mixed joint/conditional distribution:

>>> from y0.dsl import P, A, B, C
>>> P(A & B | C)

Specifying an Intervention with L2 do-Calculus Notation

Intervene on a single variable:

>>> from y0.dsl import P, X, Y
>>> P[X](Y) == P(Y @ X)

Intervene on multiple children:

>>> from y0.dsl import P, X, Y, Z
>>> P[X](Y, Z) == P(Y @ X & Z @ X)

Intervene on multiple parents:

>>> from y0.dsl import P, W, X, Y, Z
>>> P[X](Y | (W, Z)) == P(Y @ X | (W @ X, Z @ X)):

Intervene on both children and parents:

>>> from y0.dsl import P, X, Y, Z
>>> P[X](Y | Z) == P(Y @ X | Z @ X)

Intervene on X on top of previous interventions:

>>> from y0.dsl import P, X, Y, Z
>>> P[X](Y @ Z) == P(Y @ X @ Z)

Allow mixing with L3, where each variable can have different interventions:

>>> from y0.dsl import P, W, X, Y, Z
>>> P[X](Y @ Z | W) == P(Y @ X @ Z | W @ X)

Specifying Multiple Interventions with L2 do-Calculus Notation

Multiple interventions on a single variable:

>>> from y0.dsl import P, X1, X2, Y
>>> P[X1, X2](Y) == P(Y @ X)

Multiple interventions on multiple children:

>>> from y0.dsl import P, X1, X2, Y, Z
>>> P[X1, X2](Y, Z) == P(Y @ X1 @ X2 & Z @ X1 @ X2)

… and so on

class Probability(distribution: Distribution)[source]

The probability over a distribution.

distribution: Distribution

The distribution over which the probability is expressed

classmethod safe(distribution: str | Variable | Iterable[str | Variable] | Distribution, *args: str | Variable, interventions: str | Variable | Iterable[str | Variable] | None = None) Probability[source]

Create a distribution the given variable(s) or distribution.

  • distribution – If given a Distribution, creates a probability expression directly over the distribution. If given variable or list of variables, conveniently creates a Distribution with the variable(s) as children.

  • args – If the first argument (distribution) was given as a single variable, the args variadic argument can be used to specify a list of additional variables.

  • interventions – An optional variable or variables to use as interventions.


A probability object

to_text() str[source]

Output this probability in the internal string format.

to_y0() str[source]

Output this probability instance as y0 internal DSL code.

to_latex() str[source]

Output this probability in the LaTeX string format.

property parents: Tuple[Variable, ...]

Get the distribution’s parents.

property children: Tuple[Variable, ...]

Get the distribution’s children.

is_conditioned() bool[source]

Return if this distribution is conditioned.

is_markov_kernel() bool[source]

Return if this distribution a markov kernel -> one child variable and one or more conditionals.

intervene(variables: str | Variable | Iterable[str | Variable]) Probability[source]

Return a new probability where the underlying distribution has been intervened by the given variables.

uncondition() Probability[source]

Return a new probability where the underlying distribution is no longer conditioned by the parents.


A new probability over a distribution over the children and parents of the previous distribution

>>> from y0.dsl import P, A, B
>>> P(A | B).uncondition() == P(A, B)
conditional(ranges: str | Variable | Iterable[str | Variable]) Expression[source]

Return this expression, conditioned by the given variables.


ranges – A variable or list of variables over which to marginalize this expression


A fraction in which the denominator is represents the sum over the given ranges

>>> from y0.dsl import P, A, B
>>> assert P(A, B).conditional(A) == P(A, B) / Sum[B](P(A, B))
>>> assert P(A, B, C).conditional([A, B]) == P(A, B, C) / Sum[C](P(A, B, C))
class Sum(expression: Expression, ranges: frozenset[Variable])[source]

Represent the sum over an expression over an optional set of variables.

expression: Expression

The expression over which the sum is done

ranges: frozenset[Variable]

The variables over which the sum is done. Defaults to an empty list, meaning no variables.

classmethod safe(expression: Expression, ranges: str | Variable | Iterable[str | Variable], *, simplify: bool = False) Expression[source]

Construct a sum from an expression and a permissive set of things in the ranges.

  • expression – The expression over which the sum is done

  • ranges – The variable or list of variables over which the sum is done

  • simplify – Should the sum be simplified using Sum.simplify()?


A Sum object

Standard usage, same as the normal __init__:

>>> from y0.dsl import Sum, X, Y, A, P
>>>, Y), (X,))

Use a list or other iterable:

>>>, Y), [X])

Use a single variable:

>>>, Y), X)
simplify() Expression[source]

Simplify this sum.

to_text() str[source]

Output this sum in the internal string format.

to_latex() str[source]

Output this sum in the LaTeX string format.


Output this sum instance as y0 internal DSL code.

class Product(expressions: Tuple[Expression, ...])[source]

Represent the product of several probability expressions.

classmethod safe(expressions: Expression | Iterable[Expression]) Expression[source]

Construct a product from any iterable of expressions.


expressions – An expression or iterable of expressions which should be multiplied


A Product object

Standard usage, same as the normal __init__:

>>> from y0.dsl import Product, X, Y, A, P
>>>, Y), ))

Use a list or other iterable:

>>>[P(X), P(Y | X)])

Use an inline generator:

>>> for v in [X, Y])

Use a single expression:

>>>, Y))

Output this product in the internal string format.

to_y0() str[source]

Output this product instance as y0 internal DSL code.


Output this product in the LaTeX string format.

class Fraction(numerator: Expression, denominator: Expression)[source]

Represents a fraction of two expressions.

numerator: Expression

The expression in the numerator of the fraction

denominator: Expression

The expression in the denominator of the fraction

to_text() str[source]

Output this fraction in the internal string format.

to_latex() str[source]

Output this fraction in the LaTeX string format.

to_y0(parens: bool = True) str[source]

Output this fraction as y0 internal DSL code.

flip() Fraction[source]

Exchange the numerator and denominator.

simplify() Expression[source]

Simplify this fraction.

class Expression[source]

The abstract class representing all expressions.

conditional(ranges: str | Variable | Iterable[str | Variable]) Expression[source]

Return this expression, conditioned by the given variables.


ranges – A variable or list of variables over which to marginalize this expression


A fraction in which the denominator is represents the sum over the given ranges

>>> from y0.dsl import P, A, B
>>> assert P(A, B).conditional(A) == P(A, B) / Sum[B](P(A, B))
>>> assert P(A, B, C).conditional([A, B]) == P(A, B, C) / Sum[C](P(A, B, C))
normalize_marginalize(ranges: str | Variable | Iterable[str | Variable]) Expression[source]

Return this expression, normalized by this expression marginalized by the given variables.

marginalize(ranges: str | Variable | Iterable[str | Variable]) Expression[source]

Return this expression, marginalizing out the given variables.


ranges – A variable or list of variables over which to marginalize this expression


The expression but summed over the given variables

>>> from y0.dsl import P, A, B, C
>>> assert P(A, B).marginalize(A) == Sum[A](P(A, B))
>>> assert P(A, B, C).marginalize([A, B]) == Sum[A, B](P(A, B, C))
class One[source]

The multiplicative identity (1).

to_text() str[source]

Output this identity variable in the internal string format.

to_latex() str[source]

Output this identity instance in the LaTeX string format.

to_y0() str[source]

Output this identity instance as y0 internal DSL code.

class Zero[source]

The additive identity (0).

to_text() str[source]

Output this identity variable in the internal string format.

to_latex() str[source]

Output this identity instance in the LaTeX string format.

to_y0() str[source]

Output this identity instance as y0 internal DSL code.


alias of QFactor

class QFactor(domain: frozenset[Variable], codomain: frozenset[Variable])[source]

A function from the variables in the domain to a probability function over variables in the codomain.

classmethod safe(domain: str | Variable | Iterable[str | Variable], *args: str | Variable, codomain: str | Variable | Iterable[str | Variable]) QFactor[source]

Create a Q factor with various input types.

to_text() str[source]

Output this Q factor in the internal string format.

to_latex() str[source]

Output this Q factor in the LaTeX string format.

to_y0() str[source]

Output this Q factor instance as y0 internal DSL code.

ensure_ordering(expression: Expression, *, ordering: Iterable[str | Variable] | None = None) Sequence[Variable][source]

Get a canonical ordering of the variables in the expression, or pass one through.

The canonical ordering of the variables in a given expression is based on the alphabetical sort order of the variables based on their names.

  • expression – The expression to get a canonical ordering from.

  • ordering – A given ordering to pass through if not none, otherwise calculate it.


The ordering


Map an adjacency dictionary of strings to variables.

vmap_pairs(edges: Iterable[Tuple[str, str]]) List[Tuple[Variable, Variable]][source]

Map pair of strings to pairs of variables.

class PopulationProbability(distribution: Distribution, population: Variable)[source]

A probability that is annotated with a population.

>>> from y0.dsl import PP, Pi1, Y, X
>>> # Make a population-annotated probability of Y
>>> PP[Pi1](Y)
>>> # Make a conditioned population of Y @ X
>>> PP[Pi1][X](Y)

Related publications: - Surrogate Outcomes and Transportability (Tikka and Karvanen, 2018)

to_y0() str[source]

Output this probability instance as y0 internal DSL code.

to_latex() str[source]

Output this probability in the LaTeX string format.


alias of PopulationProbabilityBuilderType


alias of Variable