
Identification algorithms.




ID [shpitser2006]


IDC [shpitser2008]


ID* [shpitser2012]


IDC* [shpitser2012]


Cyclic ID [forre2019]

Issue #71

gID [correa2019]

Issue #72

gID* [correa2021]

Issue #121

Data ID [nabi2020]

Issue #73

This table partially draws from [tikka2021], which made a nice review of non-counterfactual identification methods.




Surrogate Outcomes [tikka2018]


Transportability [correa2020]


Counterfactual Transportability [correa2022]

PR #197

identify_outcomes(graph: NxMixedGraph, treatments: Variable | set[Variable], outcomes: Variable | set[Variable], conditions: None | Variable | set[Variable] = None) Expression | None[source]

Calculate the estimand for the treatment(s)m outcome(s), and optional condition(s).

  • graph – An acyclic directed mixed graph

  • treatments – The node or nodes that are treated

  • outcomes – The node or nodes that are outcomes

  • conditions – Optional condition or condition nodes. If given, uses the IDC algorithm via y0.algorithm.identify.idc(). Otherwise, uses the ID algorithm via y0.algorithm.identify.identify().


An expression representing the estimand if the query is identifiable. If the query is not identifiable, returns none.

identify(identification: Identification) Expression[source]

Run the ID algorithm from [shpitser2006].


identification – The identification tuple


the expression corresponding to the identification


Unidentifiable – If no appropriate identification can be found

See also identify_outcomes() for a more idiomatic way of running the ID algorithm given a graph, treatments, and outcomes.

id_star(graph: NxMixedGraph, event: Dict[Variable, Intervention], *, _number_recursions: int = 0) Expression[source]

Apply the ID* algorithm to the graph from [shpitser2012].

idc(identification: Identification) Expression[source]

Run the IDC algorithm from [shpitser2008].


identification – The identification tuple


An expression created by the identify() algorithm after simplifying the original query

Raises “Unidentifiable” if no appropriate identification can be found.

idc_star(graph: NxMixedGraph, outcomes: Dict[Variable, Intervention], conditions: Dict[Variable, Intervention], *, _number_recursions: int = 0) Expression[source]

Run the IDC* algorithm from [shpitser2012].

  • graph – The causal graph

  • outcomes – The outcome events corresponds to \(\gamma\)

  • conditions – The condition events corresponds to \(\delta\)

  • _number_recursions – The number of times the algorithm has recurred


An expression created by the idc_star() algorithm after simplifying the original query


ValueError – If ID* returns zero

class Query(outcomes: Variable | set[Variable], treatments: Variable | set[Variable], conditions: None | Variable | set[Variable] = None)[source]

An identification query.

Instantiate an identification.

  • outcomes – The outcomes in the query

  • treatments – The treatments in the query (e.g., counterfactual variables)

  • conditions – The conditions in the query (e.g., coming after the bar)

classmethod from_str(outcomes: str | Iterable[str], treatments: str | Iterable[str], conditions: Iterable[str] | None = None) Query[source]

Construct a query from text variable names.

classmethod from_expression(query: Probability | Distribution) Query[source]

Instantiate an identification.


query – The query probability expression


An identification tuple


ValueError – If there are ragged counterfactual variables in the query

exchange_observation_with_action(variables: Variable | Iterable[Variable]) Query[source]

Move the condition variable(s) to the treatments.

exchange_action_with_observation(variables: Variable | Iterable[Variable]) Query[source]

Move the treatment variable(s) to the conditions.

with_treatments(extra_treatments: Iterable[Variable]) Query[source]

Create a new identification with additional treatments.

uncondition() Query[source]

Move the conditions to outcomes.

property expression: Expression

Return the query as a Probabilistic expression.

exception Unidentifiable[source]

Raised on failure of the identification algorithm.

class Identification(query: Query, graph: NxMixedGraph, estimand: Expression | None = None)[source]

A package of a query and resulting estimand from identification on a graph.

Instantiate an identification.

  • query – The generalized identification query (outcomes/treatments/conditions)

  • graph – The graph

  • estimand – If none is given, will use the joint distribution over all variables in the graph.

classmethod from_parts(outcomes: set[Variable], treatments: set[Variable], graph: NxMixedGraph, estimand: Expression | None = None, conditions: set[Variable] | None = None) Identification[source]

Instantiate an identification.

  • outcomes – The outcomes in the query

  • treatments – The treatments in the query (e.g., counterfactual variables)

  • conditions – The conditions in the query (e.g., coming after the bar)

  • graph – The graph

  • estimand – If none is given, will use the joint distribution over all variables in the graph.


An identification object

classmethod from_expression(*, query: Probability | Distribution, graph: NxMixedGraph, estimand: Expression | None = None) Identification[source]

Instantiate an identification.

  • query – The query probability expression

  • graph – The graph

  • estimand – If none is given, will use the joint distribution over all variables in the graph.


An identification object

property outcomes: set[Variable]

Return this identification object’s query’s outcomes.

property treatments: set[Variable]

Return this identification object’s query’s treatments.

property conditions: set[Variable]

Return this identification object’s query’s conditions.

exchange_observation_with_action(variables: Variable | Iterable[Variable]) Identification[source]

Move the condition variable(s) to the treatments.

exchange_action_with_observation(variables: Variable | Iterable[Variable]) Identification[source]

Move the treatment variable(s) to the conditions.

with_treatments(extra_treatments: Iterable[Variable]) Identification[source]

Create a new identification with additional treatments.

uncondition() Identification[source]

Move the conditions to outcomes.