Source code for y0.algorithm.separation.sigma_separation

"""Implementation of sigma-separation from [forre2018]_."""

from typing import Iterable, Optional, Sequence

import networkx as nx
from more_itertools import triplewise

from y0.dsl import Variable
from y0.graph import NxMixedGraph

__all__ = [

[docs] def are_sigma_separated( graph: NxMixedGraph, left: Variable, right: Variable, *, conditions: Optional[Iterable[Variable]] = None, cutoff: Optional[int] = None, ) -> bool: """Test if two variables are sigma-separated. Sigma separation is a generalization of d-separation that works not only for directed acyclic graphs, but also for directed graphs containing cycles. It was originally introduced in [forre2018]_. We say that X and Y are σ-connected by Z or not σ-separated by Z if there exists a path π (with some n ≥ 1 nodes) in G with one endnode in X and one endnode in Y that is Z-σ-open. σ-separated is the opposite of σ-connected (logical not). :param graph: Graph to test :param left: A node in the graph :param right: A node in the graph :param conditions: A collection of graph nodes :param cutoff: The maximum path length to check. By default, is unbounded. :return: If a and b are sigma-separated. """ if conditions is None: conditions = set() else: conditions = set(conditions) sigma = get_equivalence_classes(graph) return not any( is_z_sigma_open(graph, path, conditions=conditions, sigma=sigma) # Technically, this algorithm should generate all paths, which could include # repeat visits to nodes and edges, but this is computationally intractable, # so the is_z_sigma_open() subroutine contains a novel path augmentation # algorithm. This might not be officially complete. for path in nx.all_simple_paths(graph.disorient(), left, right, cutoff=cutoff) )
[docs] def is_z_sigma_open( graph: NxMixedGraph, path: Sequence[Variable], *, sigma: dict[Variable, set[Variable]], conditions: Optional[set[Variable]] = None, ) -> bool: r"""Check if a path is Z-sigma-open. :param graph: A mixed graph :param path: A path in the graph. Denoted as $\pi$ in the paper. The node in position $i$ in the path is denoted with $v_i$. :param conditions: A set of nodes chosen as conditions, denoted by $Z$ in the paper :param sigma: The set of equivalence classes. Can be calculated with :func:`get_equivalence_classes`, denoted by $\sigma(v)$ in the paper. :returns: If the path is Z-sigma-open A path is $Z-\sigma-\text{open}$ if: 1. The end nodes $v_1, v_n \notin Z$ 2. Every triple of adjacent nodes in the path is of the form 1. Collider (:func:`is_collider`) 2. (non-collider) left chain (:func:`is_non_collider_left_chain`) 3. (non-collider) right chain (:func:`is_non_collider_left_chain`) 4. (non-collider) fork (:func:`is_non_collider_fork`) 5. (non-collider) with undirected edge (:func:`is_non_collider_undirected`, not implemented) """ if conditions is None: conditions = set() if path[0] in conditions or path[-1] in conditions: return False return all( _triple_has_correct_form(graph, left, middle, right, conditions, sigma) for left, middle, right in triplewise(path) )
def _triple_has_correct_form( graph: NxMixedGraph, left: Variable, middle: Variable, right: Variable, conditions: set[Variable], sigma: dict[Variable, set[Variable]], ) -> bool: if _triple_helper(graph, left, middle, right, conditions, sigma): return True # augment with backtracks, since you're allowed to go back (just like Season 5 of Lost). # this is a better solution than generating infinite paths, but might still be mathematically # incomplete. In this setup, 𝑣3→𝑣4↔𝑣6 becomes 𝑣3→𝑣4→𝑣5←𝑣4↔𝑣6 to get some sweet backtrack paths # through the middle node to a neighbor and then back before going to the right node. neighbors = {n for n in graph.disorient().neighbors(middle) if n != middle} for neighbor in neighbors: if ( _triple_helper(graph, left, middle, neighbor, conditions, sigma) and _triple_helper(graph, middle, neighbor, middle, conditions, sigma) and _triple_helper(graph, neighbor, middle, right, conditions, sigma) ): return True return False def _triple_helper( graph: NxMixedGraph, left: Variable, middle: Variable, right: Variable, conditions: set[Variable], sigma: dict[Variable, set[Variable]], ) -> bool: return ( is_collider(graph, left, middle, right, conditions) or is_non_collider_left_chain(graph, left, middle, right, conditions, sigma) or is_non_collider_right_chain(graph, left, middle, right, conditions, sigma) or is_non_collider_fork(graph, left, middle, right, conditions, sigma) ) def _has_either_edge(graph: NxMixedGraph, u, v) -> bool: return graph.directed.has_edge(u, v) or graph.undirected.has_edge(u, v) def _only_directed_edge(graph, u, v) -> bool: return graph.directed.has_edge(u, v) and not graph.undirected.has_edge(u, v) def is_collider( graph: NxMixedGraph, left: Variable, middle: Variable, right: Variable, conditions: set[Variable], ) -> bool: """Check if three nodes form a collider under the given conditions. :param graph: A mixed graph :param left: The first node in the subsequence, denoted as $v_{i-1}$ in the paper :param middle: The second node in the subsequence, denoted as $v_i$ in the paper :param right: The third node in the subsequence, denoted as $v_{i+1}$ in the paper :param conditions: The conditional variables, denoted as $Z$ in the paper :return: If the three nodes form a collider """ return ( _has_either_edge(graph, left, middle) and _has_either_edge(graph, right, middle) and middle in conditions ) def is_non_collider_left_chain( graph: NxMixedGraph, left: Variable, middle: Variable, right: Variable, conditions: set[Variable], sigma: dict[Variable, set[Variable]], ) -> bool: r"""Check if three nodes form a non-collider (left chain) given the conditions. :param graph: A mixed graph :param left: The first node in the subsequence, denoted as $v_{i-1}$ in the paper :param middle: The second node in the subsequence, denoted as $v_i$ in the paper :param right: The third node in the subsequence, denoted as $v_{i+1}$ in the paper :param conditions: The conditional variables, denoted as $Z$ in the paper :param sigma: The set of equivalence classes. Can be calculated with :func:`get_equivalence_classes`, denoted by $\sigma(v)$ in the paper. :return: If the three nodes form a non-collider (left chain) given the conditions. """ return ( _only_directed_edge(graph, middle, left) and _has_either_edge(graph, right, middle) and (middle not in conditions or middle in conditions.intersection(sigma[left])) ) def is_non_collider_right_chain( graph: NxMixedGraph, left: Variable, middle: Variable, right: Variable, conditions: set[Variable], sigma: dict[Variable, set[Variable]], ) -> bool: r"""Check if three nodes form a non-collider (right chain) given the conditions. :param graph: A mixed graph :param left: The first node in the subsequence, denoted as $v_{i-1}$ in the paper :param middle: The second node in the subsequence, denoted as $v_i$ in the paper :param right: The third node in the subsequence, denoted as $v_{i+1}$ in the paper :param conditions: The conditional variables, denoted as $Z$ in the paper :param sigma: The set of equivalence classes. Can be calculated with :func:`get_equivalence_classes`, denoted by $\sigma(v)$ in the paper. :return: If the three nodes form a non-collider (right chain) given the conditions. """ return ( _has_either_edge(graph, left, middle) and _only_directed_edge(graph, middle, right) and (middle not in conditions or middle in conditions.intersection(sigma[right])) ) def is_non_collider_fork( graph: NxMixedGraph, left: Variable, middle: Variable, right: Variable, conditions: set[Variable], sigma: dict[Variable, set[Variable]], ) -> bool: r"""Check if three nodes form a non-collider (fork) given the conditions. :param graph: A mixed graph :param left: The first node in the subsequence, denoted as $v_{i-1}$ in the paper :param middle: The second node in the subsequence, denoted as $v_i$ in the paper :param right: The third node in the subsequence, denoted as $v_{i+1}$ in the paper :param conditions: The conditional variables, denoted as $Z$ in the paper :param sigma: The set of equivalence classes. Can be calculated with :func:`get_equivalence_classes`, denoted by $\sigma(v)$ in the paper. :return: If the three nodes form a non-collider (fork) given the conditions. """ a = _only_directed_edge(graph, middle, left) b = _only_directed_edge(graph, middle, right) c = middle not in conditions d = middle in conditions.intersection(sigma[left]).intersection(sigma[right]) return a and b and (c or d)
[docs] def get_equivalence_classes(graph: NxMixedGraph) -> dict[Variable, set[Variable]]: """Get equivalence classes. :param graph: A mixed graph :returns: A mapping from variables to their equivalence class, defined as the second option from the paper (see below) 1. The finest/trivial σ-CG structure of a mixed graph G is given by σ(v) := {v} for all v ∈ V . In this way σ-separation in G coincides with the usual notion of d-separation in a d-connection graph (d-CG) G (see [19]). We will take this as the definition of d-separation and d-CG in the following. 2. The coarsest σ-CG structure of a mixed graph G is given by σ(v) := ScG(v) := AncG(v) ∩ DescG(v) w.r.t. the underlying directed graph. Note that the definition of strongly connected component totally ignores the bi- and undirected edges of the σ-CG. """ return { node: graph.ancestors_inclusive(node).intersection(graph.descendants_inclusive(node)) for node in graph.nodes() }