Source code for y0.graph

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

"""Graph data structures."""

from __future__ import annotations

import itertools as itt
import json
import warnings
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from itertools import chain, combinations
from typing import (

import networkx as nx
from networkx.classes.reportviews import NodeView
from networkx.utils import open_file

from .dsl import CounterfactualVariable, Intervention, Variable, vmap_adj, vmap_pairs

    import ananke.graphs
    import pgmpy.inference.CausalInference
    import pgmpy.models
    import sympy

__all__ = [

CausalEffectGraph = Any

#: The default key in a latent variable DAG represented as a :class:`networkx.DiGraph`
#: for nodes that correspond to "latent" variables
DEFAULT_TAG = "hidden"
#: The default prefix for latent variables in a latent variable DAG represented. After the prefix,
#: there will be a number assigned that's incremented during construction.
NO_SET_LATENT_FLAG = "no_set_latent"

[docs] @dataclass class NxMixedGraph: """A mixed graph based on a :class:`networkx.Graph` and a :class:`networkx.DiGraph`. Example usage: .. code-block:: python graph = NxMixedGraph() graph.add_directed_edge('X', 'Y') graph.add_undirected_edge('X', 'Y') """ #: A directed graph directed: nx.DiGraph = field(default_factory=nx.DiGraph) #: A undirected graph undirected: nx.Graph = field(default_factory=nx.Graph) def __post_init__(self): """Process the graphs.""" self.directed.graph[NO_SET_LATENT_FLAG] = True self.undirected.graph[NO_SET_LATENT_FLAG] = True def __eq__(self, other: Any) -> bool: """Check for equality of nodes, directed edges, and undirected edges.""" return ( isinstance(other, NxMixedGraph) and self.nodes() == other.nodes() and (self.directed.edges() == other.directed.edges()) and (self.undirected.edges() == other.undirected.edges()) ) def __iter__(self) -> Iterable[Variable]: """Iterate over nodes in the graph.""" return iter(self.directed) def __len__(self) -> int: """Count the nodes in the graph.""" return len(self.directed) def __contains__(self, item: Variable) -> bool: """Check if the given item is a node in the graph.""" return item in self.directed
[docs] def copy(self): """Get a copy of the graph.""" return self.__class__( directed=self.directed.copy(), undirected=self.undirected.copy(), )
[docs] def is_counterfactual(self) -> bool: """Check if this is a counterfactual graph.""" return any(isinstance(n, CounterfactualVariable) for n in self.nodes())
[docs] def raise_on_counterfactual(self) -> None: """Raise an error if this is a counterfactual graph. :raises ValueError: if this graph is a counterfactual graph """ if self.is_counterfactual(): raise ValueError("This operation is not available for counterfactual graphs")
[docs] def add_node(self, n: Variable) -> None: """Add a node.""" n = Variable.norm(n) self.directed.add_node(n) self.undirected.add_node(n)
[docs] def add_directed_edge(self, u: Union[str, Variable], v: Union[str, Variable], **attr) -> None: """Add a directed edge from u to v.""" u = Variable.norm(u) v = Variable.norm(v) self.directed.add_edge(u, v, **attr) self.undirected.add_node(u) self.undirected.add_node(v)
[docs] def add_undirected_edge(self, u: Union[str, Variable], v: Union[str, Variable], **attr) -> None: """Add an undirected edge between u and v.""" u = Variable.norm(u) v = Variable.norm(v) self.undirected.add_edge(u, v, **attr) self.directed.add_node(u) self.directed.add_node(v)
[docs] def nodes(self) -> NodeView[Variable]: """Get the nodes in the graph.""" return self.directed.nodes()
[docs] def to_admg(self) -> "ananke.graphs.ADMG": """Get an ananke ADMG.""" self.raise_on_counterfactual() from ananke.graphs import ADMG # update the way stringification happens so this # can support arbitrary variables, like counterfactuals return ADMG( vertices=[ for n in self.nodes()], di_edges=[(, for u, v in self.directed.edges()], bi_edges=[(, for u, v in self.undirected.edges()], )
[docs] def to_pgmpy_bayesian_network(self) -> "pgmpy.models.BayesianNetwork": """Convert a mixed graph to an equivalent :class:`pgmpy.BayesianNetwork`.""" from pgmpy.models import BayesianNetwork edges = [(, for u, v in self.directed.edges()] latents = set() for u, v in self.undirected.edges(): latent = f"U_{}_{}" latents.add(latent) edges.append((latent, edges.append((latent, model = BayesianNetwork(ebunch=edges, latents=latents) return model
[docs] def to_pgmpy_causal_inference(self) -> "pgmpy.inference.CausalInference.CausalInference": """Get a pgmpy causal inference object.""" from pgmpy.inference.CausalInference import CausalInference return CausalInference(self.to_pgmpy_bayesian_network())
[docs] def to_linear_scm_sympy(self) -> dict[Variable, "sympy.Expr"]: """Generate a Sympy system of equations.""" import sympy variable_to_equation = {} for node in self.topological_sort(): terms = [] # Add parent edges for parent in self.directed.predecessors(node): beta = sympy_nested(r"\beta", parent, node) terms.append(beta * parent.to_sympy()) # Add noise term epsilon_symbol = sympy_nested(r"\epsilon", node) terms.append(epsilon_symbol) # get bidirected edges for u, v in self.undirected.edges(node): u, v = sorted([u, v]) gamma_symbol = sympy_nested(r"\gamma", u, v) terms.append(gamma_symbol) variable_to_equation[node] = cast(sympy.Expr, sum(terms)) return variable_to_equation
[docs] def to_linear_scm_latex(self) -> str: """Generate a Sympy system of equations.""" import sympy equations_dict = self.to_linear_scm_sympy() latex_equations = [ rf"{variable.to_latex()} &= {sympy.latex(expression)} \\" for variable, expression in equations_dict.items() ] return _LatexStr(r"\begin{align*}" + "\n ".join(latex_equations) + r"\end{align*}")
[docs] @classmethod def from_admg(cls, admg) -> NxMixedGraph: """Create from an ananke ADMG.""" return cls.from_str_edges( nodes=admg.vertices, directed=admg.di_edges, undirected=admg.bi_edges, )
[docs] def to_latent_variable_dag( self, *, prefix: Optional[str] = None, start: int = 0, tag: Optional[str] = None, ) -> nx.DiGraph: """Create a labeled DAG where bi-directed edges are assigned as nodes upstream of their two incident nodes. :param prefix: The prefix for latent variables. If none, defaults to :data:`y0.graph.DEFAULT_PREFIX`. :param start: The starting number for latent variables (defaults to 0, could be changed to 1 if desired) :param tag: The key for node data describing whether it is latent. If None, defaults to :data:`y0.graph.DEFAULT_TAG`. :return: A latent variable DAG. """ self.raise_on_counterfactual() return _latent_dag( di_edges=self.directed.edges(), bi_edges=self.undirected.edges(), prefix=prefix, start=start, tag=tag, )
[docs] @classmethod def from_latent_variable_dag(cls, graph: nx.DiGraph, tag: Optional[str] = None) -> NxMixedGraph: """Load a labeled DAG.""" if tag is None: tag = DEFAULT_TAG if any(tag not in data for data in graph.nodes.values()): raise ValueError(f"missing label {tag} in one or more nodes.") rv = cls() for node, data in graph.nodes.items(): if data[tag]: for a, b in itt.combinations(graph.successors(node), 2): rv.add_undirected_edge(a, b) else: for child in graph.successors(node): rv.add_directed_edge(node, child) return rv
[docs] def to_causaleffect(self) -> CausalEffectGraph: """Get a causaleffect R object. :returns: A causaleffect R object. .. warning:: Appropriate R imports need to be done first for 'causaleffect' and 'igraph'. """ import rpy2.robjects return rpy2.robjects.r(self.to_causaleffect_str())
[docs] def joint(self) -> nx.MultiGraph: """Return a joint graph.""" rv = nx.MultiGraph() rv.add_nodes_from(self.directed) rv.add_edges_from(self.directed.edges) rv.add_edges_from(self.undirected.edges) return rv
[docs] def moralize(self): """Moralize the graph. :returns: A moralized ADMG in which all nodes $U$ and $v$ that are parents of some node $N$ are connected with an undirected edge. .. seealso:: """ rv = NxMixedGraph(directed=self.directed.copy(), undirected=self.undirected.copy()) # Moralize (link parents of mentioned nodes) for u, v in iter_moral_links(self): rv.add_undirected_edge(u, v) return rv
[docs] def draw( self, ax=None, title: Optional[str] = None, prog: Optional[str] = None, latex: bool = True ) -> None: """Render the graph using matplotlib. :param ax: Axis to draw on (if none specified, makes a new one) :param title: The optional title to show with the graph :param prog: The pydot program to use, like dot, neato, osage, etc. If none is given, uses osage for small graphs and dot for larger ones. :param latex: Parse string variables as y0 if possible to make pretty latex output """ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt if prog is None: if self.directed.number_of_nodes() > 6: prog = "dot" else: prog = "osage" layout = _layout(self, prog=prog) u_proxy = nx.DiGraph(self.undirected.edges) labels = None if not latex else {node: _get_latex(node) for node in self.directed} if ax is None: ax = plt.gca() # TODO choose sizes based on size of axis node_size = 1_500 node_size_offset = 500 line_widths = 2 margins = 0.3 font_size = 20 arrow_size = 20 radius = 0.3 nx.draw_networkx_nodes( self.directed, pos=layout, node_color="white", node_size=node_size, edgecolors="black", linewidths=line_widths, ax=ax, margins=margins, ) nx.draw_networkx_labels( self.directed, pos=layout, ax=ax, labels=labels, font_size=font_size ) nx.draw_networkx_edges( self.directed, pos=layout, edge_color="black", ax=ax, node_size=node_size + node_size_offset, width=line_widths, arrowsize=arrow_size, ) nx.draw_networkx_edges( u_proxy, pos=layout, node_size=node_size + node_size_offset, ax=ax, style=":", width=line_widths, connectionstyle=f"arc3, rad={radius}", arrowstyle="-", edge_color="grey", ) if title: ax.set_title(title) ax.axis("off")
[docs] @classmethod def from_causaleffect(cls, graph) -> NxMixedGraph: """Construct an instance from a causaleffect R graph.""" raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def to_causaleffect_str(self) -> str: """Get a string to be imported by R.""" if not self.directed: raise ValueError("graph must have some directed edges") formula = ", ".join(f"{u} -+ {v}" for u, v in self.directed.edges()) if self.undirected: formula += "".join(f", {u} -+ {v}, {v} -+ {u}" for u, v in self.undirected.edges()) rv = f"g <- graph.formula({formula}, simplify = FALSE)" for i in range(self.undirected.number_of_edges()): idx = 2 * i + self.directed.number_of_edges() + 1 rv += ( f'\ng <- set.edge.attribute(graph = g, name = "description",' f' index = c({idx}, {idx + 1}), value = "U")' ) return rv
[docs] @classmethod def from_edges( cls, nodes: Optional[Iterable[Variable]] = None, directed: Optional[Iterable[Tuple[Variable, Variable]]] = None, undirected: Optional[Iterable[Tuple[Variable, Variable]]] = None, ) -> NxMixedGraph: """Make a mixed graph from a pair of edge lists.""" if directed is None and undirected is None: raise ValueError("must provide at least one of directed/undirected edge lists") rv = cls() for n in nodes or []: rv.add_node(n) for u, v in directed or []: rv.add_directed_edge(u, v) for u, v in undirected or []: rv.add_undirected_edge(u, v) return rv
[docs] @classmethod def from_str_edges( cls, nodes: Optional[Iterable[str]] = None, directed: Optional[Iterable[Tuple[str, str]]] = None, undirected: Optional[Iterable[Tuple[str, str]]] = None, ) -> NxMixedGraph: """Make a mixed graph from a pair of edge lists where nodes are strings.""" return cls.from_edges( nodes=None if nodes is None else [Variable(n) for n in nodes], directed=None if directed is None else vmap_pairs(directed), undirected=None if undirected is None else vmap_pairs(undirected), )
[docs] @classmethod def from_adj( cls, nodes: Optional[Iterable[Variable]] = None, directed: Optional[Mapping[Variable, Collection[Variable]]] = None, undirected: Optional[Mapping[Variable, Collection[Variable]]] = None, ) -> NxMixedGraph: """Make a mixed graph from a pair of adjacency lists.""" rv = cls() for n in nodes or []: rv.add_node(n) for u, vs in (directed or {}).items(): rv.add_node(u) for v in vs: rv.add_directed_edge(u, v) for u, vs in (undirected or {}).items(): rv.add_node(u) for v in vs: rv.add_undirected_edge(u, v) return rv
[docs] @classmethod def from_str_adj( cls, nodes: Optional[Iterable[str]] = None, directed: Optional[Mapping[str, Collection[str]]] = None, undirected: Optional[Mapping[str, Collection[str]]] = None, ) -> NxMixedGraph: """Make a mixed graph from a pair of adjacency lists of strings.""" return cls.from_adj( nodes=None if nodes is None else [Variable(n) for n in nodes], directed=None if directed is None else vmap_adj(directed), undirected=None if undirected is None else vmap_adj(undirected), )
[docs] @classmethod @open_file(1) def from_causalfusion_path(cls, file) -> NxMixedGraph: """Load a graph from a CausalFusion JSON file.""" return cls.from_causalfusion_json(json.load(file))
[docs] @classmethod def from_causalfusion_json(cls, data: Mapping[str, Any]) -> NxMixedGraph: """Load a graph from a CausalFusion JSON object.""" rv = cls() for edge in data["edges"]: u, v = edge["from"], edge["to"] if edge["type"] == "directed": rv.add_directed_edge(u, v) elif edge["type"] == "bidirected": rv.add_undirected_edge(u, v) else: raise ValueError(f'unhandled edge type: {edge["type"]}') return rv
[docs] def subgraph(self, vertices: Union[Variable, Iterable[Variable]]) -> NxMixedGraph: """Return a subgraph given a set of vertices. :param vertices: a subset of nodes :returns: A NxMixedGraph subgraph """ vertices = _ensure_set(vertices) return self.from_edges( nodes=vertices, directed=_include_adjacent(self.directed, vertices), undirected=_include_adjacent(self.undirected, vertices), )
[docs] def remove_in_edges(self, vertices: Union[Variable, Iterable[Variable]]) -> NxMixedGraph: """Return a mutilated graph given a set of interventions. :param vertices: a subset of nodes from which to remove incoming edges :returns: A NxMixedGraph subgraph """ vertices = _ensure_set(vertices) return self.from_edges( nodes=vertices, directed=_exclude_target(self.directed, vertices), undirected=_exclude_adjacent(self.undirected, vertices), )
[docs] def get_intervened_ancestors(self, interventions, outcomes) -> Set[Variable]: """Get the ancestors of outcomes in a graph that has been intervened on. :param interventions: a set of interventions in the graph :param outcomes: a set of outcomes in the graph :returns: Set of nodes """ return self.remove_in_edges(interventions).ancestors_inclusive(outcomes)
[docs] def get_no_effect_on_outcomes(self, interventions, outcomes) -> Set[Variable]: """Find nodes in the graph which have no effect on the outcomes. :param interventions: a set of interventions in the graph :param outcomes: a set of outcomes in the graph :returns: Set of nodes """ return self.nodes() - interventions - self.get_intervened_ancestors(interventions, outcomes)
[docs] def remove_nodes_from(self, vertices: Union[Variable, Iterable[Variable]]) -> NxMixedGraph: """Return a subgraph that does not contain any of the specified vertices. :param vertices: a set of nodes to remove from graph :returns: A NxMixedGraph subgraph """ vertices = _ensure_set(vertices) return self.from_edges( nodes=self.nodes() - vertices, directed=_exclude_adjacent(self.directed, vertices), undirected=_exclude_adjacent(self.undirected, vertices), )
[docs] def remove_out_edges(self, vertices: Union[Variable, Iterable[Variable]]) -> NxMixedGraph: """Return a subgraph that does not have any outgoing edges from any of the given vertices. :param vertices: a set of nodes whose outgoing edges get removed from the graph :returns: NxMixedGraph subgraph """ vertices = _ensure_set(vertices) return self.from_edges( nodes=self.nodes(), directed=_exclude_source(self.directed, vertices), undirected=self.undirected.edges(), )
[docs] def ancestors_inclusive(self, sources: Union[Variable, Iterable[Variable]]) -> set[Variable]: """Ancestors of a set include the set itself.""" sources = _ensure_set(sources) return _ancestors_inclusive(self.directed, sources)
[docs] def descendants_inclusive(self, sources: Union[Variable, Iterable[Variable]]) -> set[Variable]: """Descendants of a set include the set itself.""" sources = _ensure_set(sources) return _descendants_inclusive(self.directed, sources)
[docs] def topological_sort(self) -> Iterable[Variable]: """Get a topological sort from the directed component of the mixed graph.""" return nx.topological_sort(self.directed)
[docs] def get_c_components(self) -> list[frozenset[Variable]]: """Get the co-components (i.e., districts) in the undirected portion of the graph.""" warnings.warn("use NxMixedGraph.districts()", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) return list(self.districts())
[docs] def districts(self) -> set[frozenset[Variable]]: """Get the districts.""" return {frozenset(c) for c in nx.connected_components(self.undirected)}
[docs] def get_district(self, node: Variable) -> frozenset[Variable]: """Get the district the node is in.""" for district in self.districts(): if node in district: return district raise KeyError(f"{node} not found in graph")
[docs] def is_connected(self) -> bool: """Return if there is only a single connected component in the undirected graph.""" return nx.is_connected(self.undirected)
[docs] def intervene(self, variables: Set[Intervention]) -> NxMixedGraph: """Intervene on the given variables. :param variables: A set of interventions :returns: A graph that has been intervened on the given variables, with edges into the intervened nodes removed """ return self.from_edges( nodes=[node.intervene(variables) for node in self.nodes()], directed=[ (u.intervene(variables), v.intervene(variables)) for u, v in self.directed.edges() if _node_not_an_intervention(v, variables) ], undirected=[ (u.intervene(variables), v.intervene(variables)) for u, v in self.undirected.edges() if _node_not_an_intervention(u, variables) and _node_not_an_intervention(v, variables) ], )
[docs] def get_markov_pillow(self, nodes: Collection[Variable]) -> Set[Variable]: """For each district, intervene on the domain of each parent not in the district.""" parents_of_district: Set[Variable] = set() for node in nodes: parents_of_district |= set(self.directed.predecessors(node)) return parents_of_district - set(nodes)
[docs] def get_markov_blanket(self, nodes: Union[Variable, Iterable[Variable]]) -> Set[Variable]: """Get the Markov blanket for a set of nodes. The Markov blanket in a directed graph is the union of the parents, children, and parents of children of a given node. :param nodes: A node or nodes to get the Markov blanket from :return: A set of variables comprising the Markov blanket """ if isinstance(nodes, Variable): nodes = {nodes} else: nodes = set(nodes) blanket = set() for node in nodes: blanket.update(self.directed.predecessors(node)) for successor in self.directed.successors(node): blanket.add(successor) blanket.update(self.directed.predecessors(successor)) return blanket.difference(nodes)
[docs] def disorient(self) -> nx.Graph: """Return a graph with all edges converted to a flat undirected graph.""" rv = nx.Graph() rv.add_nodes_from(self.nodes()) rv.add_edges_from(self.directed.edges()) rv.add_edges_from(self.undirected.edges()) return rv
[docs] def pre( self, nodes: Union[Variable, Iterable[Variable]], topological_sort_order: Optional[Sequence[Variable]] = None, ) -> list[Variable]: """Find all nodes prior to the given set of nodes under a topological sort order. :param nodes: iterable of nodes. :param topological_sort_order: A valid topological sort order. If none given, calculates from the graph. :return: list corresponding to the order up until the given nodes. This does not include any of the nodes from the query. """ if not topological_sort_order: topological_sort_order = list(self.topological_sort()) node_set = _ensure_set(nodes) pre = [] for node in topological_sort_order: if node in node_set: break pre.append(node) return pre
class _LatexStr(str): def _repr_latex_(self): return self def _node_not_an_intervention(node: Variable, interventions: Set[Intervention]) -> bool: """Confirm that node is not an intervention.""" if isinstance(node, (Intervention, CounterfactualVariable)): raise TypeError( "this shouldn't happen since the graph should not have interventions as nodes" ) return (+node not in interventions) and (-node not in interventions) def _ancestors_inclusive(graph: nx.DiGraph, sources: set[Variable]) -> set[Variable]: ancestors = set( itt.chain.from_iterable(nx.algorithms.dag.ancestors(graph, source) for source in sources) ) return sources | ancestors def _descendants_inclusive(graph: nx.DiGraph, sources: set[Variable]) -> set[Variable]: descendants = set( itt.chain.from_iterable(nx.algorithms.dag.descendants(graph, source) for source in sources) ) return sources | descendants def _include_adjacent( graph: nx.Graph, vertices: set[Variable] ) -> Collection[Tuple[Variable, Variable]]: vertices = _ensure_set(vertices) return [(u, v) for u, v in graph.edges() if u in vertices and v in vertices] def _exclude_source( graph: nx.Graph, vertices: set[Variable] ) -> Collection[Tuple[Variable, Variable]]: return [(u, v) for u, v in graph.edges() if u not in vertices] def _exclude_target( graph: nx.Graph, vertices: set[Variable] ) -> Collection[Tuple[Variable, Variable]]: return [(u, v) for u, v in graph.edges() if v not in vertices] def _exclude_adjacent( graph: nx.Graph, vertices: set[Variable] ) -> Collection[Tuple[Variable, Variable]]: return [(u, v) for u, v in graph.edges() if u not in vertices and v not in vertices] def _latent_dag( di_edges: Iterable[Tuple[Variable, Variable]], bi_edges: Iterable[Tuple[Variable, Variable]], *, prefix: Optional[str] = None, start: int = 0, tag: Optional[str] = None, ) -> nx.DiGraph: """Create a labeled DAG where bi-directed edges are assigned as nodes upstream of their two incident nodes. :param di_edges: A list of directional edges :param bi_edges: A list of bidirectional edges :param prefix: The prefix for latent variables. If none, defaults to :data:`y0.graph.DEFAULT_PREFIX`. :param start: The starting number for latent variables (defaults to 0, could be changed to 1 if desired) :param tag: The key for node data describing whether it is latent. If None, defaults to :data:`y0.graph.DEFAULT_TAG`. :return: A latent variable DAG. """ if tag is None: tag = DEFAULT_TAG if prefix is None: prefix = DEFULT_PREFIX bi_edges_list = list(bi_edges) rv = nx.DiGraph() rv.add_nodes_from(itt.chain.from_iterable(bi_edges_list)) rv.add_edges_from(di_edges) nx.set_node_attributes(rv, False, tag) for i, (u, v) in enumerate(sorted(bi_edges_list), start=start): latent_node = Variable(f"{prefix}{i}") rv.add_node(latent_node, **{tag: True}) rv.add_edge(latent_node, u) rv.add_edge(latent_node, v) return rv
[docs] def set_latent( graph: nx.DiGraph, latent_nodes: Union[Variable, Iterable[Variable]], tag: Optional[str] = None, ) -> None: """Quickly set the latent variables in a graph.""" if graph.graph.get(NO_SET_LATENT_FLAG): raise RuntimeError( "Do not set latent variables on graphs inside a NxMixedGraph using set_latent().\n" "This function is strictly only for nx.DiGraphs that have been constructed based on " "a NxMixedGraph, but not the NxMixedGraph itself." ) if tag is None: tag = DEFAULT_TAG if isinstance(latent_nodes, Variable): latent_nodes = [latent_nodes] latent_nodes = set(latent_nodes) for node, data in graph.nodes(data=True): data[tag] = node in latent_nodes
def _get_latex(node) -> str: if isinstance(node, str): from y0.parser import parse_y0 try: expr = parse_y0(node) except Exception: return node else: return expr._repr_latex_() from y0.dsl import Variable if isinstance(node, Variable): return node._repr_latex_() raise TypeError def _ensure_set(vertices: Union[Variable, Iterable[Variable]]) -> set[Variable]: rv = {vertices} if isinstance(vertices, Variable) else set(vertices) if any(isinstance(v, Intervention) for v in rv): raise TypeError("can not use interventions here") return rv def _layout(self, prog): joint = self.joint() try: layout = nx.nx_agraph.pygraphviz_layout(joint, prog=prog) except ImportError: pass else: return layout try: layout = nx.nx_pydot.pydot_layout(joint, prog=prog) except ImportError: pass else: return layout return nx.spring_layout(joint) def is_a_fixable(graph: NxMixedGraph, treatments: Union[Variable, Collection[Variable]]) -> bool: """Check if the treatments are a-fixable. A treatment is said to be a-fixable if it can be fixed by removing a single directed edge from the graph. In other words, a treatment is a-fixable if it has exactly one descendant in its district. This code was adapted from :mod:`ananke` ananke code at: :param graph: A NxMixedGraph :param treatments: A list of treatments :raises NotImplementedError: a-fixability on multiple treatments is an open research question :returns: bool """ if not isinstance(treatments, Variable): raise NotImplementedError( "a-fixability on multiple treatments is an open research question" ) descendants = graph.descendants_inclusive(treatments) descendants_in_district = graph.get_district(treatments).intersection(descendants) return 1 == len(descendants_in_district) def is_p_fixable(graph: NxMixedGraph, treatments: Union[Variable, Collection[Variable]]) -> bool: """Check if the treatments are p-fixable. This code was adapted from :mod:`ananke` ananke code at: :param graph: A NxMixedGraph :param treatments: A list of treatments :raises NotImplementedError: p-fixability on multiple treatments is an open research question :returns: bool """ if not isinstance(treatments, Variable): raise NotImplementedError( "p-fixability on multiple treatments is an open research question" ) children = set(graph.directed.successors(treatments)) children_in_district = graph.get_district(treatments).intersection(children) return 0 == len(children_in_district) def is_markov_blanket_shielded(graph: NxMixedGraph) -> bool: """Check if the ADMG is a Markov blanket shielded. Being Markov blanket (Mb) shielded means that two vertices are non-adjacent only when they are absent from each others' Markov blankets. This code was adapted from :mod:`ananke` ananke code at: :param graph: A NxMixedGraph :returns: bool """ # Iterate over all pairs of vertices for u, v in itt.combinations(graph.nodes(), 2): # Check if the pair is not adjacent if not ( any( [ graph.directed.has_edge(u, v), graph.directed.has_edge(v, u), graph.undirected.has_edge(u, v), ] ) ): # If one is in the Markov blanket of the other, then it is not mb-shielded if _markov_blanket_overlap(graph, u, v): return False return True def get_district_and_predecessors( graph: NxMixedGraph, nodes: Iterable[Variable], topological_sort_order: Optional[Sequence[Variable]] = None, ): """Get the union of district, predecessors and predecessors of district for a given set of nodes. This code was adapted from :mod:`ananke` ananke code at: :param graph: A NxMixedGraph :param nodes: List of nodes :param topological_sort_order: A valid topological sort order :return: Set corresponding to union of district, predecessors and predecessors of district of a given set of nodes """ if not topological_sort_order: topological_sort_order = list(graph.topological_sort()) # Get the subgraph corresponding to the nodes and nodes prior to them pre = graph.pre(nodes, topological_sort_order) sub_graph = graph.subgraph(pre + list(nodes)) result: Set[Variable] = set() for node in nodes: result.update(sub_graph.get_district(node)) for node in result.copy(): result.update(sub_graph.directed.predecessors(node)) return result - set(nodes) def _markov_blanket_overlap(graph: NxMixedGraph, u: Variable, v: Variable) -> bool: return u in get_district_and_predecessors(graph, [v]) or v in get_district_and_predecessors( graph, [u] ) def iter_moral_links(graph: NxMixedGraph) -> Iterable[Tuple[Variable, Variable]]: """Generate links to ensure all co-parents in a graph are linked. May generate links that already exist as we assume we are not working on a multi-graph. :param graph: Graph to process :yields: An collection of edges to add. """ # note that combinations(x, 2) returns an empty list when len(x) == 1 yield from chain.from_iterable( combinations(graph.directed.predecessors(node), 2) for node in graph.nodes() ) def get_nodes_in_directed_paths( graph: NxMixedGraph, sources: Union[Variable, Set[Variable]], targets: Union[Variable, Set[Variable]], ) -> Set[Variable]: """Get all nodes appearing in directed paths from sources to targets. :param graph: an NxMixedGraph :param sources: source nodes :param targets: target nodes :return: the nodes on all causal paths from sources to targets """ sources = _ensure_set(sources) targets = _ensure_set(targets) if nx.is_directed_acyclic_graph(graph.directed): return _get_nodes_in_directed_paths_dag(graph.directed, sources, targets) else: # note, this is a simpler implementation can use :func:`nx.all_simple_paths`, # but it is less efficient since it requires potentially calculating the same # paths over and over again. return _get_nodes_in_directed_paths_cyclic(graph.directed, sources, targets) def _get_nodes_in_directed_paths_dag( graph: nx.DiGraph, sources: set[Variable], targets: set[Variable] ) -> set[Variable]: tc: nx.DiGraph = nx.transitive_closure_dag(graph) rv = { node for node in graph.nodes() if any( tc.has_edge(source, node) and tc.has_edge(node, target) for source, target in itt.product(sources, targets) ) } for source, target in itt.product(sources, targets): if tc.has_edge(source, target): rv.add(source) rv.add(target) return rv def _get_nodes_in_directed_paths_cyclic( graph: nx.DiGraph, sources: set[Variable], targets: set[Variable] ) -> set[Variable]: return { node for source, target in itt.product(sources, targets) for causal_path in nx.all_simple_paths(graph, source, target) for node in causal_path } def sympy_nested(glyph: str, *variables: Variable) -> "sympy.Symbol": """Create a sympy nested symbol.""" import sympy inner_latex = ",".join(variable.to_latex() for variable in variables) return sympy.Symbol(rf"{glyph}_{{{inner_latex}}}")